Sunday, 26 February 2012



Hi all,
This time I'm not going to be sorry about not posting, cause well... meh.
However I do want to update people on things.
Lately I've been playing Mass Effect and Mass Effect 2 which is why you've seen me just sitting places semi-afk.
Also you know those new sign-in boards that have been popping up around GFC (not the security ones) I had the pleasure of scripting them :D Although that means if they fail I'm in trouble :/ But still hopefully they will get Sophie to kill me instead of someone else.... Because at least with Sophie there is a chance that she will fix me...
And yes Sophie did guess the quote from last time again \ o / she wins a free pie with a hug :P
But now I have to think of a new quote...
OK I know that Sophie will get this one but still "That's heavy Doc" :P